Monday, 24 October 2016

Event 33 of #fortyb4forty

The Great South Run - one of the South's biggest running events every year, with thousands of people taking part for different reasons.

My preparations for the event included doing my nails using nails wraps from Jamberry that I thought were amazingly apt!! I even put one on a toe, joking it would make me go faster!! 

I had also met up with a former colleague during the week, who I had recently got back in contact with, from my last workplace and her mum had passed away from PSP last year. So yesterday I was not running just for Nan, but for her mum, Carol, who I had also worked with

Anyhow, this time last year this was my 5th of the current challenge. And to be honest I was pretty downhearted with the time and the actual run itself. I didn't enjoy it.

Fast forward to yesterday. The weather was beautiful. I was starting the race with two running buddies and I was looking forward to the event. I even remembered to take Hope with me.

And suddenly we're at the start. The sun is shining, and although the wind had been slightly cold, it didn't take long to warm up. I kept up with my running buddies for the first 5 miles maintaining a 3 min run, 30 second recovery walk. It was surprising how quickly that recovery walk would pass. I then did my own race. The wind wasn't that bothersome except in one area. The atmosphere was brilliant the whole way round, I was looking forward to the residential area near the end where last year they have music on loud speaker and just loads of encouragement. I do remember thinking at one point that I am not entering next year's event, even if the tantalising offer of early bird was available!!! 

The end is in sight!! And that is always the part I struggle with. I have no idea why. It's so nice to see familiar familiar faces in the approach and it really is a boost to keep going. I cross the finish line with an official time of 2 hours 24 seconds. This is 7 mins faster than last year so this really has made my day although I am ever so slightly disappointed that 25 seconds faster and I'd have had a sub 2 hour time for the course. Clearly, doing my nails had had a positive effect........

Seeing some running club buddies after crossing the finish line to give me a hug was amazing. I was exhausted and probably could have just burst into tears. But it was also nice to get a finish line photo from them :-) 

Today I am exhausted!! Knowing I pushed myself yesterday is satisfying particularly with the result that it achieved for me. Yet, I have two children to entertain. 

I have 7 events left to complete this challenge. It's possible it could happen before the end of the year. I'm not sure when next event is but I'm sure it'll be soon. 

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Event 32 of #fortyb4forty

Hard one today. The New Forest Stinger 5 mile distance. There as also a 10 mile distance but opted to not go for that.

Now, when I woke up this morning I wasn't booked onto a race. I had intended to enter this one but needed to wait until pay day, and then I plain forgot. Saw that a couple of friends were doing this race and wished them luck, including the comments that I had forgotten to enter. I think one of the ladies who entered into a conversation was on the team organising the race. So by 8am I had nearly convinced Muself I was going to do this, but for one thing: one of my worst fears about races. 

Now, at most events, there is almost always more than ample parking. But, I have this almost irrational fear that If I go alone I'll get lost, there won't be enough parking and I'll be late. This morning, as I then decided I was then entering on the day, I also had a major anxiety panic about turning up and finding out all the enter-on-the-day places had been taken. To the point I was nearly in tears about it, and nearly just didn't go.

In jumps my wonderful husband who drives me to the race, with the children. He takes them off for a walk whilst I am running. 

The terrain of the race was pretty much mud and puddles. Difficult to run in. Legs feeling like lead made it all the much harder. Going around, I struggled with anxious feelings about completing it, the fact that my legs just hurt, and they nearly get the better of me on more than one occasion on the route. I haven't had these feelings for so long. Probably last time was when I did the Ox half, so that was May, I think. I struggling with breathing too. Carrying an inhaler has made such a difference to my running lately but I had to work hard mentally to not go into panic mode completely because I struggled to breath. Anyhow, it's fair to say the latter half I probably spent more time walking, but I did run down the hills. I was going to finish this damn race becaus there's no way I wasn't going to finish. The last kilometre was a long slow hill. Whilst pushing myself up I saw an adult deer, and three babies cross the path in front of me. It was an incredible sight. I pushed to the end. It was hard.

I had to laugh at my husband when I found him at the end. He'd wandered back to the car after walking with the children to drop something back because he thought I'd be a lot longer. Ha!!! Really happy with about 1 hour 12 minutes. Got a rather nice little cool bag as my finishing memento.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Event 30 of #fortyb4forty

Yes!! I am now 75% complete of the challenge. It is now a countdown to 40. What a nice feeling!

So, what did I do? I took part in the RNLI 10k in Portsmouth. A very flat route, good prep for the Great South Run which is in 17 days time. The weather was just lovely. I had no idea how the race was going to go. In previous runs I was struggling to get to 1 mile without needing to walk so today was going to be interesting, one thing I tend to do is to set off too quickly, so I had to really hold myself back and let everyone overtake me. However, this way of doing things meant I ran the first three miles of the race before needing to walk. I was so pleased with myself. It gives me hope for the GSR that whilst I probably won't run it (never say never however), it feels that it could be a lot more comfortable to do. I absolutely loved the medal at the end. I finished with my best 10k run for the year.

Haven't really planned when I'm doing event 31, but that's okay. I have vague ideas when races happen but entering races at the last minute always adds to the fun of it,

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Event 29 of #fortyb4forty

This run was very much a last minute event. As I was helping at the main Perform 5 mile event by handing out tshirts I was unable to take part. However, there was a 1 mile fun run afterwards, which was most likely aimed at children. Having persuaded my son to take part, I entered also. 

Now, I realise a mile isn't far. However, I could make it challenging by getting round as quickly as possible, and seeing how fast I could do one mile in. My son just raced off and finished comfortably ahead of me. I finished in under 10 minute, so was very pleased with that.

I recently received Hope the PSPA bear. I brought her along to the event, and my plan in the future is to take her along to the remaining events of the #fortyb4forty challenge.