Sunday, 22 October 2017

The green-eyed monster

The decision to take a break from running happened a year ago at the Great South Run. Whilst I generally like the course and the event, I didn't enjoy last year. So I said then I wasn't going to re-enter (despite always being tempted by the early bird offer) and look at taking a break from running events once I finished the forty challenge. 

Forty challenge completed on Christmas Day 2016. I have done some casual runs with a friend since but entered no events this year. I had no regrets with that decision. Whilst I'm missing not running the GSR today, I'm not sorry I followed my decision to have a break. Although whilst the green-eyed monster reared its ugly head today, and it was almost painful to watch my husband go off to the GSR this morning, it has been good in a way to realise what events I do enjoy. So after carrying said green-eyed monster this morning for a few hours I have now entered next years GSR event with a sense of anticipation and excitement. And a year to train with something to look forward to. And perhaps come back to running with a renewed inner strength that I can do this. I'm starting from the beginning again with the running but that's okay. It has taken a lot to realise that it's okay to restart with a couch to 5k programme. Particularly with the reinstatement of asthma treatment and learning to manage that whilst running. 

I have focused a lot of this year on my mental health, and getting myself into a better place. It's an ongoing process, but I have found areas that I have moved forward in which has made such a difference. Hopefully I will be able to carry forward what I have learnt, particularly through more difficult days. 

Just in case you were wondering, my husband did an awesome job at the GSR and I'm am so proud of what he achieved today.