Sunday, 13 September 2015

Building up the miles

It's been a little while since I last blogged. So what has been happening? Well, I've been back to running club and been involved with a group who graduated from the beginners course they did in May. For selfish reasons, this has helped me get back into running, and feeling too overwhelmed by the fabulousness of the other members of the running club.

Last Tuesday, everyone joined in the main intervals session. It was hard but really good, and I really did put effort into it. Thursday I helped lead the walk/run group and managed a reasonable just over 4 miles.

This morning, I joined a group doing 10k. Okay, clearly my fitness has a long way to go, and the girls really were fabulous. And as time was ticking along I had to cut it short and did 4.5 miles. Again, walk/run, but definitely more running than walking.

Great South Run is 6 weeks today. Little too close for comfort now, but my mantra shall be that I will get around - as it was last year. I haven't chosen a charity to raise money for this time specifically, but I might set up a last minute page.

Next planned run is intervals on Tuesday.

I need to push past the pre- run feelings of too tired, not enough time, can't be bothered. Once I am out, I am fine. Having started the summer with virtually no running has really impacted. Having depression, and not knowing what triggered it this year, has really complicated how I deal with it.

My diet is also shocking. I need to get that back on track. All the weight I lost at slimming world I have put back on, through self-indulgent comfort eating. There, I am claiming responsibility. Gluten free processed foods are higher in calories and this has clearly had a bad effect. Why can't I like fruit and vegetables like normal people???? Clearly, eating well will also be good for my mental wellbeing as well as my physical wellbeing.

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