Friday, 6 January 2017

Happy New Year!!!

Well, since completing #fortyb4forty, today has been the first time I have run. And a very nice 4.5 miles with my running buddy, through the frosty woods, and up and down hills. A right mixture of challenge but I ran it all!! Very happy bunny, albeit a very tired bunny!

So, I have made the decision to continue running. The one decision attached to this is that for the time being I am choosing to not enter any races. I had entered a couple of virtual races but I'm okay with this as I completed one today, and the other completes at the end of January. I want to learn to love running without the pressure of upcoming races with very fast runners, which invariably causes anxiety and lack of self-confidence. And I'm okay with that. I now look forward to weekly runs with my running buddy (who really is awesome and very patient with a slow worm) and this is a real turnaround in how I think abut running. I've also joined the gym, and plan to swim when the children are having their swimming lessons. 

In 2017 I have chosen a 'word for the year'. I've seen a lot about this the last couple of years and wondered about it. So after looking at what I'd like to try and achieve this year, mainly eating better, increasing fitness, developing better spiritual disciplines (for starters), I have settled on the word 'nourish'. I see this as taking baby steps to look after myself without making drastic change and setting myself up to fail,  but improving my physical and mental health over time. And allowing new habits to settle in.

So, I have no specific resolutions as such but instead I'll be making changes, where mistakes will invariably occur, but not to admit defeat when they do. But to move on and carry on.

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