Monday, 6 August 2018

When injury strikes

So, just to meander slightly, it's 5.30am and I'm sat outside in the garden writing this as I can't get back to sleep. Picture a beautiful sunrise and being able to sit outside where it's lovely and cool, knowing later it's going to get much hotter. Being awake so early wasn't in the game plan - it rarely is at this time of day, but I was hungry and water just wouldn't stave off the hunger pangs!! Tea and toast it was.

So, to catch up: since I did the half-marathon in April, things have gone downhill. One week after the event I managed to injure my knee (not really sure how), and after a week of walking with a lot of pain, I gave in and went to see a physio, and he felt that the HM might have been a precursor to the knee pain. I was told on my first appointment to stop running for the time being.

So with fortnightly appointments and exercises to do at home (and the gym) I was given the go ahead to run again near the end of July. Thankfully being able to do cross-training cardio exercises, as well as strengthening exercises, has enabled my fitness level to remain and not decline. This weekend just gone I did my first parkrun in weeks and finished in a respectable 37.14, which considering it was hot I was really pleased with. A couple of niggles on the route which then went away, and no lasting effects since. So, its looking good as long as i don't overdo it. Thankfully the summer holidays means I can take things easier and not be on the feet as much as I would be at work hence hopefully promoting a better recovery before going back to work in September. I have a hospital appointment in September to investigate what could be a meniscus issue, but it's not holding me back too much. I just have to be sensible.

Admittedly, once I got the go ahead to start running again I was nervous because I was worried about not getting very far due to getting out of breath quickly, or my knee would hurt a lot and I'd have to stop running again. And my running mojo which had remained during the time I wasn't running took a hike in the opposite direction.

So, I have a choice now. Sat outside in the garden in lovely and to actually go for a run before 7am would probably be beneficial however, its very lovely being sat in the back garden and listening to the birds and background traffic (as well as a persistent car alarm!!!).

So, what now? The physio was suggesting that there would be no reason why I still couldn't do the Great South Run in October. I know I have ten miles walking in my legs (tested that theory doing the Gromit Unleashed 2 trails) so a walk/run would almost definitely be in the bag.

SO to go for a run, or not? It's lovely and cool, and I'm lovely and relaxed!!

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